Thursday, April 15, 2010


Heroes of the Profession
By Michelle LaRowe
2004 INA Nanny of the Year, Author of A Mom's Ultimate Book of Lists and Executive Director of INA

For those in-home child care providers who have dedicated a lifetime, a career or even a short season of their lives fighting for respect and recognition for the work they do, the stories of irresponsible caregivers that make the nightly news (and are often given the title of nanny) is at times enough to make them want to give up their fight and wave the white flag of surrender.

Although the negative stories seem to linger in our hearts and minds forever, the good news is that we are seeing more and more heroic nannies, real life everyday nannies, featured on the nightly news. As they share their stories they're capturing America's hearts and impacting the image of who today's professional nanny is.

As in industry we must embrace and support these real life super nannies, because as we know (and as America is quickly finding out) to the children whom today's professional nanny cares for and to the families for whom they work, they are their everyday (and often unsung) heroes.

A professional nanny puts the needs of the children in her care before her own. In fact as a nanny with over 15 years of professional experience who has played an active role on the local, national and international level, I can say with confidence that a nanny who wouldn't risk their own life for the sake of their charges is the exception, not the rule. I can also say with confidence that the nannies whom I consider my colleagues and the agency owners whom I've developed relationships with over the years take their responsibilities extremely seriously and know that caring for a child as a professional nanny is more than a job. It's a calling to care. It's a commitment to excellence. It's a chance to make a difference.

It's for these reasons that for the past 25 years INA has honored one truly amazing real life super nanny with the INA Nanny of the Year Award. It's also for these reasons that in celebration of the dedication and commitment to professional excellence that many individuals have made to our industry INA is pleased to introduce the INA Harriet Grant Service Award Pin and the INA Service Award Pin programs. It will surely be a great time of celebration at the 2010 INA Annual Conference when the award receipients will be presented with their awards.

If you've missed out on the headlines, here's a look at two heroic stores of real life super nannies that have recently been featured in the news.

March 23, 2010 - Nanny Rescues 5 Year old Boy from Fire and Suffers Serious Burns

For information on donating to the Alyson Myatt Special Needs Trust Fund visit

April 8, 2010 - Nanny Saves Infant After Lightning Strikes, Causing House Fire

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